• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2023


  • Edit: if you are going to downvote at least explain if you got a counter point, otherwise it seems y’all just butthurt haha


    How is this different from US ISP bootstrapping peasant grade internet?

    1. Whatabout-ism is annoying AF.
    2. How is nationwide re-configuring of DNS to enable censorship different than “bootstrapping peasant grade internet” is a dumb question on it’s face.
    3. I’m sitting in the middle of Wyoming sending this comment via a 2Gb/s fiber optic connection. This is not “peasant grade”.

    So basically you are getting downvoted because your comment is irrelevant 'Murica bashing.

    Now you know.

  • I’ve been around a minute and the police radios have undergone steady technological shifts just like everything else. What started as straight analogue radio with some special channels started moving to digital by the mid-90s, by the mid '00s digital had frequency hopping and by the mid '10s the latest versions of police radios got encryption by default as it became so easy to do and the radio manufacturers added it to serve multiple markets.

    Every step in the evolution broke the previous gen radio scanners but that wasn’t the point, the point was to get better audio quality, more channels, reduce radio interference, add the bandwidth that the MDTs needed, and finally to secure the comms of the MDTs.

    Without encryption anything going through the MDT can be “read” and you’d expose the full details of personal data to everyone in signal range for every single traffic stop. Name, Address, DL #…all of it. On top of that the way that many of these systems work is that the radio the officer is talking to when they get out and walk around is actually being relayed through their car so the same system that allows the MDT to work is also being used for voice.

    DO the police try and hide their comms? Absolutely they do but that isn’t why their radios have encryption. In fact the first sentence of the article contradicts the headline when it talks about both Aurora and Denver getting encryption before 2020, which is when the article claims this started.

  • What are some of these connections men need out of a marriage?

    Basically the same connections that women need out of a marriage. A peer group, a purpose, and friend groups to share interests with.

    Unfortunately many, if not most, people simply don’t know how to go about it. They throw themselves into their work and whatever of their time is leftover gets dedicated to family. The interests and friends that they had prior to marriage and kids are left behind and those sacrifices leave them feeling alone and unfulfilled. They also don’t understand WHY they feel that way when to the best of their understanding they’re doing everything right!

    Marriage isn’t, except in exceedingly rare instances, a “one stop shop” where your partner somehow magically fulfills your every need. That’s straight up Disney Movie bullshit.

    People, regardless of gender identity, absolutely REQUIRE relationships outside of their marriage.

  • The way I understand it is that every anticheat needs to be overhauled as they can no longer tap into the kernel/get kernel access.

    Yes, if we assume that various institutions (cough cough looking at you EU) allow MS to remove kernel access.

    So the anticheat has to eun in userspace.

    VSB-E isn’t really “user space” but your point about the kernel is valid.

    hich is why anticheat should

    The word “should” is doing some heavy lifting in that sentence. Even if it COULD that doesn’t mean devs will allow it nor does it mean that existing games will get updated on EITHER platform. Removing a kernel level anti-cheat could easily be the death of some older games on Windows as the owner simply doesn’t want to put the money into making it work.

    I’m honestly not too sure how possible it is to make VSB-E work on *nix either, since it appears to use Microsoft Hyper-V technologies at its core and those wouldn’t be available in *nix. That means that we’d be back to Game Devs having to specifically write anti-cheat for *nix…which is something they can already do if they want.

    VSB-E is interesting but I’m not convinced its going to do anything for Linux Gaming at all. Hopefully I am wrong. :)

  • Perhaps I’m being dense but how do you see this helping Linux Gaming?

    Even assuming that VBS-E allows Game Devs to shift their current kernel based anti-cheat over to it there’s no guarantee that Linux will get a compatible VBS-E module nor that Game Devs would allow its use.

    I guess I see it as: If a Game Dev does this (use VBS-E) AND Linux gets a compatible module AND Game Devs allow its use THEN newer games may not have the same problem with anti-cheat as older ones.

  • When I protested and gave them the handout of their own procedures, the guy said “you can give me the key, or you don’t get on your flight.”

    They did that to me once and when the Agent showed up at my gate with that line I replied that I was happy to tag along back to the case and open it for them. The Agent took me the back way through the service halls to their area where I opened my case and they did their inspection, then they brought me back to the gate through the service halls.

    The agent wasn’t happy about it but I stayed cool with 'em and they made it work.

  • For so many of my use cases the Echo and Echo Show products by Amazon are exactly what is needed. For instance in the living my full sized echo is ideal for voice commands and playing music but in my bedroom a Show 5 / 8 is what you want in order to see the time, play music, and have wakeup alarms. I wish I could either find a company building a generic version of them or find a way to reload them to work with HA instead of Amazon. :/

    I’d buy Android tablets and run the HA Companion App on them but it still doesn’t have wakeword support.

    I could build a small fleet of rPIs in touch screen cases but even then you have to bolt on a microphone and speakers so they still wouldn’t have a finished / polished look.

    I have no problem spending a reasonable, or even maybe unreasonable, amount of money to get a nice looking Wyoming Satellite but I’ll be darned if I can figure out HOW. I’m actually kind of astonished that no over-seas manufacturer has started making something like a gutted Echo / Echo Show that you can slide a raspberry pi board into.

  • I’m fine with NPUs / TPUs (AI-enhancing hardware) being included with systems because it’s useful for more than just OS shenanigans and commercial generative AI. Do I want Microsoft CoPilot Recall running on that hardware? No.

    However I’ve bought TPUs for things like Frigate servers and various ML projects. For gamers there’s some really cool use cases out there for using local LLMs to generate NPC responses in RPGs. For “Smart Home” enthusiasts things like Home Assistant will be rolling out support for local LLMs later this year to make voice commands more context aware.

    So do I want that hardware in there so I can use it MYSELF for other things? Yes, yes I do. You probably will eventually too.