Newest England
Newest England
It’s certainly possible. They are pretty explicit on it though, at least.
"For some products, we do not release the full PCB manufacturing layouts, as we do not want to support manufacturing of untested clone boards. "
7.4 “Your Bambu Lab product will automatically search for and download new update packages to provide you with timely update services… Due to the importance of these updates, your product may block new print job (sic) before the updates is installed”
I’m honestly not sure if they are or not, but neither are necessary. You can go straight to the IP address of your printer and manage it from the lan.
Interesting, my Mk4 has wired ethernet
If you have time to be a little bit patient, they just announced their new core XY design printer due out in the next few months.
Their bambu filament has an RFID tag in it, presumably so you don’t have to tell the printer what kind of filament is loaded. I would bet big $$ that is going to be used to lock out third party filament at some point. Calling it here and now.
Good to know, that’s another one that won’t ever make the recommendation list then
Hey thanks for the advice, and you were right. regardless my my clumsiness, today’s announcement ensures i am never going to get a Bambu. https://blog.bambulab.com/firmware-update-introducing-new-authorization-control-system-2/
If you choose to upgrade to the firmware version with Authorization Features, you must download and install Bambu Connect (a printer control software) from the official website. After installation, you can export sliced .3mf files from OrcaSlicer and open them with Bambu Connect. This software allows you to send the files to your printer and monitor print progress.
It feels like an effort to start locking out third party tools (like any slicer other than Bambu Studio), but I’m sure it’s not going to stop there. For now, they’re making you slice it, export the 3mf project, import that to Bambu studio, then send it to the printer, which is likely to piss off a lot of people.
Yeah I confirmed it when I went back and looked at it again. It ripped about 70% of one of the pads off, which isn’t great, but I tried to flow enough solder to connect to it. Unfortunately it still giving me the same error, does anyone know if there is a schematic for the buddy board available?
Thanks, i will probably end up doing this, with the help of a pro. I do find it interesting that newer revisions / replacements of the xbuddy board no longer have a series of flimsy wires- they include an actually connector on the board. compare these two screenshots of my board and the official replacement kit. It’s also possible the entire white part just ripped off my board somehow and stuck to the wire.
At this rate, pretty sure my next printer might be a X1C, as much as I hate to say it. I’ve always valued the open source that prusa brings, but they have just had one facepalm dumb decision after another, and I just want my fucking printer to work. The Mark 4 is a great printer when it works, but it’s extremely poorly designed.
edit: nope, nope, nope I was wrong and will never get a Bambu. Mea Culpa time. https://lemmy.world/post/24358989
Same, I went straight from an ender 3 pro to a Prusa mk4
Yeah as bad as he is, Putin isn’t event the worst Russian dictator if we’re going by body count. Stalin is still miles ahead.
Still better than Jennifer Null I guess
Ty! Can confirm this worked for me as well.
$3,999 per insert for probably $0.75 of filament. Any less is an insult to the MIC
Better swap to polars before it all melts