Mostly lurking. United States southerner, gay, working retail. An amazing combination

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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: February 23rd, 2024

  • Bad mental health week. Accidentally alienated my only friend because he was trying to be nice but I felt like he didn’t hear what I was saying and I kept talking in circles.

    I don’t think therapy is an option because I can’t afford an involuntary commitment. I looked it up, and if I get lucky and they send me to the cheapest hospital, the first day will wipe out my savings. It’s a minimum 72-hour hold, I’d be ruined.

    Also I didn’t even get my library card because I didn’t realize the library closes early on my day off 😢

    Just trying to bury myself in overtime so I don’t have time to mess my life up.

  • Ups and downs. Back at the gym but only doing 15lbs per arm. It’s embarrassing and a bit boring because I’m not feeling that burn, but the important thing is that I’m moving and my tendon isn’t hurting too much.

    Not sure if I’ve gone into my issues with sleep deprivation, but since I moved my cat has been running around the house howling all night. I thought it was because my commute is longer and she wasn’t getting enough playtime. I started trying to wear her out before bed every day, but she wasn’t getting any better. I finally figured it out one day when I realized that she wouldn’t chase a toy into my bedroom. I don’t know why she was avoiding the room, but I tidied the floor and started leaving treats in there for her while I’m away. She’s slowly started sleeping next to me again, and I feel much better.

    I feel like I dropped the ball with one of my friends (?) though. I don’t know if anyone remembers, but a few months back I took some space away from a toxic friend group, citing an OCD episode I was having at the time. I truly didn’t intend to ghost them but since then I’ve realized that I let one particular guy who used to be my bestie push me around and make me feel insane.

    He messaged me a few days ago and I got a big anxiety spike and never opened it. I think with everything we’ve been through together he deserves honesty, I just couldn’t make myself talk to him. The worst part is I’m sure he just sent me a goofy meme or something.

    So basically things are improving, but my weaknesses are still glaring.

  • Damn, you’re killing it with the reading! Good for you.

    I’m grouchy. I don’t like my new apartment, I don’t like my new town. I’m on light duty and I hate the work. Between moving and family obligations and injuries I’ve barely been to the gym this quarter, and I feel like I’m losing strength.

    At my last place, I printed a bunch of photos from fun and significant experiences and hung them up. My family rarely did pictures and never hung them up or even kept track of them, so this was a big thing for me.

    Opened up the box to unpack it yesterday. A lot of them were of friends I don’t speak to anymore. That just leaves photo of my family, who I have really conflicted feelings about. I don’t think I feel right hanging them up anymore.

  • Horrible. Had some slight elbow pain at the gym. Went to the doctor. Told to keep it in a brace and not bend it. I swear the compression and the stiffness are making it worse, it’s gone from a little bit of pain beside my elbow to moderate pain all down my arm.

    People keep insisting it feels worse than it is and acting like I’m being stubborn when I say it wasn’t that bad at first. Everyone’s saying shit unprompted like “tennis elbow never gets better” or “we’re not ‘treating you like’ you’re disabled, chronic pain is a real disability!”

    My doctor told me that if, in the future, I do any kind of movement and it hurts my arm, I need to remember to “not do that movement again” because it’ll cause re-injury. So I guess I’m not supposed to lift weights for the rest of my life?

    It’s really getting to my head. It just felt like a little bruise beside my elbow. It’s not like they did any imaging and found something horrible, why is everyone acting like it’s over?

    I never even got to be buff… I was so malnourished it took me years to get visible muscles, and they were never impressive 😮‍💨 I had a stupid daydream of being an attractive butch