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Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • Adderbox76@lemmy.catoNo Stupid Questions@lemmy.worldWhy limit immigration?
    4 days ago

    The main problem is that some, sometimes most, of immigrants don’t want to assimilate. They are creating ghettos, don’t respect local laws.

    Generalisations like this are the very reason it’s a polarising issue. Opinions like yours generally derive from “observation” and “gut feeling”. Which by definition is completely anecdotal and harmful when it begins to be applied to millions of people all at once.

    Betsy from insert town here sees an immigrant couple down the street in her home-town keeping to themselves and not really wanting to take part in the community. She’s talking on the phone to nosy-nessie the town busybody who says “oh…you know…my aunt said the same thing about her insert culture neighbours.” And then all of a sudden, that’s just “how those people are”…all of them…everywhere.

    Maybe this couple is just a little embarrassed about their english skills and want to strengthen them more before going into public everywhere, which comes across as shy. Maybe they’re just private…who knows. But suddenly…“it’s just how (those people) are”, becomes the anecdotal “truth”.

    It’s wrong, it’s dangerous, and the fact that you don’t even grasp the irony of your own comment is telling in a lot of ways.

  • An A.I taking a job doesn’t automatically create a new one in some kind of 1:1 ratio. That’s the entire point of A.I.

    You’re (incredibly naive) example of the crane is frankly stupid because a Crane still needs to be operated. Cranes didn’t replace jobs any more than hammers did. Cranes were just a new tool to use in an existing job, Hence Crane Operators.

    Now let’s turn your stupid example into a good example. Let’s say autonomous A.I. controlled cranes become a thing, and 100 crane operators lose their jobs. Now (in your brain) a new job has been created “monitoring” the A.I output (whatever you seem to think that means) but because of the efficiency of A.I. it only takes a team of three to monitor all 100 cranes.

    What are the other 97 going to do…in your “simple example”?

    Maybe put more than two seconds of thought into an analogy before opening your mouth.

  • I have zero problem with competitive gaming. I have zero problem with huge money making tournaments where teams win lots of money and have managers, etc…

    But come up with a different name than “sport”. Because it’s not a sport. Just because you put an “E” in front of it doesn’t make it a sport by any definition of the word.

    Chess tournament…not a sport. Spelling Bee…not a sport. Highschool Debate Team…not a sport. Bingo…not a sport.

    Be competitive. Have fun. Make some money. But for fuck’s sake, you’re not a “sport” any more than any of the other things I listed are.

    Edit: I forgot to add probably the most obvious Analogy…Poker Tournaments. Because every time I say “not a sport”, someone rears up their head to say “well actually, esports involves a lot of concentration and sitting for extended periods of time, which is tiring and exertion…so it’s just like any other sport”.

    To which I say, first: Shut up, nerd. And second, Poker tournaments involve the same amount of concentration and exertion and no one is calling that a fucking sport.

  • Sure she has a chance. I don’t think we’ll really know how good of a chance until a little further down the road. But as a non-american, I’m optimistic.

    Could she screw it up with a bad running mate. Of course. That’s politics and voters are fickle weirdos at the best of times. Hell, we’re living in a age where half the voters of your country are wearing maxi-pads on the side of their heads and have pledged their allegiance to a diaper wearing 34 time felon with dementia. Fickle weirdos is the nice way of putting it.

    When you’re dealing with curve-balls of that magnitude, not even Nate Silver could predict her chances this early on.

  • This is generally how “folksy wisdom” keeps getting passed down generation to generation until it ends up in a farmer’s almanac.

    It sounds reasonable, and so gets taken for true even though it has no (that I’m aware) actual scientific evidence to back it up.

    It’s a causation fallacy. ie) correlation does not necessarily equal causation. Just because two things are statistically correlated, doesn’t mean that one causes the other.

    It’s like if I were to say “Hey, The midwest has higher instances of heart disease. Therefore moving to the the midwest will give you heart disease.” It’s not true.

    The two things are correlated, certainly, in that the mid-west folks probably for the most part has a much fattier diet, and are less likely to engage in healthier eating habits. But just the simple act of being in the midwest isn’t a cause of heart disease.

    Correlation does not equal Causation. Print it on a card and keep it in your pocket please. People not grasping that concept and passing off folksy anecdotes as “wisdom” has been the cause of too much suffering.

  • On top of what everyone else has already said, I’d add that (for some reason) when it comes to Kevin Costner, movie-goers have long long memories about his “ego” projects like Waterworld and The Postman.

    Costner went through a phase where he felt that he was big enough to direct, star, and write huge epic films because he was the “only one that could do them right”. And that flopped his career…hard.

    He went on from there to do a lot of smaller stuff that was really well regarded. But now he comes back with this, basically another ego-project, because he’s convinced that Yellowstone has given him all of that old cred back. (It hasn’t)

    Dude is just Neil Breen with a budget, and people are rightfully still skeptical of any so-called epic that is written, directed, and starring him.

    In short, Costner’s epic movies have all pretty much been laughably bad with the exception of “Dances with Wolves”. And Pepperidge Farms remembers that kind of thing.