I can’t use them because I can’t convince anybody to switch with me. I talk to most people on discord and I’d rather move to using Matrix, but I can’t convince any of my friends or family or anyone I know to use anything else.

  • Its hard to move people from discord a lot of the matrix uis arent good enough yet.

    Wirg signal i simply dont respond on other services for 2 days but respond instantly on signal. And make sure everyone knows it. I also have a weekly bbq and the invite goes in the signal group chat and the signal group chat alone.

    Once u get enough people everyone else moves cos of fomo.

    • Qkall@lemmy.ml
      4 months ago

      As much as I expect the down votes… But this is why I like beeper. It’s a good catch all for unsavvy folk. Easier login with having other major chatting apps. (Self hosting is available and self hosted bridges are on dock this year…)