To clarify the question somewhat, what I mean is: does having loved ones and/or a cause you’re willing to die for give you strength? Or, does it instead expose a vulnerability to be exploited?

This post was originally much longer, but I’ve cut it down to keep it a bit more open ended. I know that the phrasing is somewhat misleading. In a way, you never really possess someone or a community or even something to lose, they’re just people or things or causes for which you care deeply, and that care opens up the possibility for emotional pain that can be exploited. At the same time having those cares can give you a reason to live, a cause to fight for, a person for whom you are there to ride or die for.

I suppose the question I ultimately want to ask is, which ends up playing out more in your life experience? Someone exploiting your love/care as a weakness? Or that love/care motivating you to defend them to the bitter end?

I know this is likely to be a “it depends” answer, but if you have some further insights, I’d be greatly appreciative. Thanks in advance.

    4 months ago

    Both. There are situations where either of this applies. Or both. People regularly fight over things, land or other people. To their own benefit and it makes them stronger, or more determined. At the same time the same thing can be exploited by other people. Or even get lost due to circumstances, breaking someones spirit. It’s all of this.

    And you better have something to lose, or there isn’t much of value in your life.