Nope, ActivityPub (the protocol) doesn’t support communities to be distributed over multiple instances.
Instances can horizontally scale to multiple servers, just like massive websites like reddit do. If you host a huge community, you can gather enough donations to pay for the hosting of your scaled instance.
I can imagine that a future version of ActivityPub will support something like grouping communities of different instances, which could also allow scaling, but will be a bit awkward given you’d then have a community run on multiple instances, so with potentially different rules and the possibility of communities splitting when the instances decide not to group or federate anymore.
Nope, ActivityPub (the protocol) doesn’t support communities to be distributed over multiple instances.
Instances can horizontally scale to multiple servers, just like massive websites like reddit do. If you host a huge community, you can gather enough donations to pay for the hosting of your scaled instance.
I can imagine that a future version of ActivityPub will support something like grouping communities of different instances, which could also allow scaling, but will be a bit awkward given you’d then have a community run on multiple instances, so with potentially different rules and the possibility of communities splitting when the instances decide not to group or federate anymore.
Horizontal scaling of instances is somewhat good enough for me, at least for now