My apologies for the long title.

I’m looking for something to organise the materials I collect on various topics. As mentioned, these usually include archived webpages, documents/manuals, media (pictures, videos, audio) etc.

I know I could just create a directory system for this (and will likely do so if I can’t find anything like what I describe), but just wanted to ask if anything like what I want exists.


    1 year ago

    How will you interact with this system (search bar, file explorer and etc.)? How will you organize this system? What devices should be able to access this data?

    There are lots of systems to store documents, information about objects, media and much more. But it has to be useful for use case.

    For example: Navidrome is great for music as it allows you to streammusic from you mobile device or computer.

    Zotero (can be self hosted using WebDAV) is great for searching through PDF/epubs and stored webpages. But it is a citation management system. It has to fit your use case.

    If you want an allrouder than take a look at Nextcloud or Owncloud. They both can edit documents, play music and display pictures.