Why is there such a disparity between techniques used in formal language classes versus those recommended in online communities?

For example, I’ve recently started tutoring ESL at my library (I have no credentials, this is just volunteer work), and the program runners have stressed repeatedly how important it is for learners to speak, and to start speaking early. I can see why this is practical: at least in the United States, it’s very difficult to communicate with anyone if you don’t speak English. So even a few memorized “tourist” phrases can help a lot.

But in the long-term, this seems to run contrary to what I’ve seen different online communities talk about- be it Refold, Steve Kaufman, Steve Krashner, Dreaming Spanish, etc. Most online communities seem to stress immersion and natural methods, prioritizing input/comprehension over output/speaking. Some of these folks even say that you shouldn’t talk at all in L2 until you reach a certain point (though others say that it doesn’t matter).

Is this a genuine difference in language-learning philosophy, or are the needs of “practical” learners just different than “hobbyist” learners?