MY point is that the SF police are pretty useless and I doubt that they care enough to have that conversation about revenue. That would be corrupt police work and they don’t do police work, as a rule.
But I hear your point. Mine wasn’t meant as an argument against it as much as an extra layer of cynicism on top of it.
The cynicism is so valid in examples like this. Haha a few years ago, I would’ve assumed that police didn’t want the “extra” work of having to process the assault; now, there are so many other options available for them to not do work!
MY point is that the SF police are pretty useless and I doubt that they care enough to have that conversation about revenue. That would be corrupt police work and they don’t do police work, as a rule.
But I hear your point. Mine wasn’t meant as an argument against it as much as an extra layer of cynicism on top of it.
The cynicism is so valid in examples like this. Haha a few years ago, I would’ve assumed that police didn’t want the “extra” work of having to process the assault; now, there are so many other options available for them to not do work!