2023.12: A beautiful new login page, new design for the thermostat card, numeric input feature for tile cards, options for the default dashboard, history dashboard showing long-term statistics, and...
Is it possible to use the thermostat and humidifier without an actual hardware thermostat? I have a heater and cooling fan attached as a switch and a humidifier and dehumidifier attached as a switch. Set points and on/off thresholds are controlled by a combination of input numbers and threshold sensors.
I’d love to have the clean UI from the thermostat tile, but it looks like it relies on one unified thermostat device.
You can create a generic thermostat with a switch and temperature sensor. I do this for my 3D printer enclosure when I needed to keep it warm in my basement with a smart switch and a cheap plug in heater.
Is it possible to use the thermostat and humidifier without an actual hardware thermostat? I have a heater and cooling fan attached as a switch and a humidifier and dehumidifier attached as a switch. Set points and on/off thresholds are controlled by a combination of input numbers and threshold sensors.
I’d love to have the clean UI from the thermostat tile, but it looks like it relies on one unified thermostat device.
You can create a generic thermostat with a switch and temperature sensor. I do this for my 3D printer enclosure when I needed to keep it warm in my basement with a smart switch and a cheap plug in heater.