Marketing mostly. The vpn makes an encrypted tunnel that you're traffic goes thru. If using https and vpn there are 2 layers of encryption. It's not false advertising bc an extra layer doesn't hurt. Now if your sending password over http it would help but you shouldnt be using a site that sends passwords over plaintext. I would say vpn is mostly to either hide your ip from websites or to hide internet activity from your isp
Marketing mostly. The vpn makes an encrypted tunnel that you're traffic goes thru. If using https and vpn there are 2 layers of encryption. It's not false advertising bc an extra layer doesn't hurt. Now if your sending password over http it would help but you shouldnt be using a site that sends passwords over plaintext. I would say vpn is mostly to either hide your ip from websites or to hide internet activity from your isp
So more for privacy than security, so it would make sense to use a VPN depending on your threat model I suppose, or how much you care.
Yeah it's more for privacy. Still you can just have it always on and it really wont cause many issues except for sites that block vpns.