I use wire (wire. com) for daily chatting. I like it but I couldn't find any good communities in wire. In session, or simpleX, there are privacy (and other) groups in which anyone can participate… Can we start a privacy group in wire so we folks can also hang around?
Any alternatives?
Update 2023-09-28
Edits include addl feature discussion, but mainly an update on Session.
Nope. Maybe?
~I may have looked at Session at one point, but don't remember why I put it in the No category. I'll have to review it again.~ See my update at top. Session is currently a contender.
XMPP may be the elephant in the room. I used XMPP for years, back before Google supported it, and after. I know a lot of people advocate it, and I think it's a reasonable option; it's certainly well-established. It leaks a lot of metadata, but then, it wasn't designed with security in mind - all of the security has been bolted on after the fact, frankenstein mode. So has multi-participant chat. In fact, most features have been tacked on, and I guess that's why I avoid it these days. Nothing seems well-integrated and reliably functioning. But YMMV; it may be the best option at the moment.
That is largely a myth. Sure metadata protection could be better in XMPP, but it is not worse than in most other chat systems, and certainly much better than in Matrix for example.