It started with the Silent Surf Fractal and kept going with Dagda Strike. Bosses have dozens of millions of hitpoints, and NCNet only balances for the CM/hardcore crowd. E.g. Sunqua CM lore skip, Silent Surf CM boss health nerf.

Since the hardcore crowd keeps whining about things not being hard enough because of power creep, and Anet’s history of listening to them, it’s sensible to assume that there might be DPS nerfs across the board. Meaning that the new healthsponge approach to bosses will hit the other 90% of the playerbase even harder.


    1 year ago

    Big health bars is not what makes encounters hard, mechanics are. The health pool of Silent Surf CM is so big, that it’s not worth it to do, especially with the tone of bugs forcing you to start over every second try. The fractal isn’t hard because of this, but just annoying. IMO fractals should all have a similar time to complete.

    The reduction of all over dps is necessary nevertheless, because the current output makes you skip entire mechanics of older encounters, not only for the few hardcore players, but for everyone reaching 80% of their benchmark. This can be done by low intensity that probably everyone can do.