For those that have poked around other fediverse stuff beyond Lemmy, and been around the spaces awhile, what’s stuck out to you as stumbling blocks, or basic user experience fumbles? Which parts do you think may be technical, and which may be cultural?

    1 year ago

    You know like 50% of new businesses fail within 5 years, right?

    Yes, that is a remarkably low failure rate. 99.9% of open source projects sit unused and abandoned after 5 years.

    those are more likely to fail because they’re run by one person who loses interest than because they don’t have a profit motive.

    They’re run by one person because they don’t have a profit motive, so they don’t need to hire QA, market research etc. etc. All the parts of a software company that help to keep continuously developing their software and make sure users are happy.