This tree is absolutely massive, and is the largest Giant Sequoia outside of California. When last measured in 2012, it was 36.2 feet (11.04 meters) in girth.

If you didn’t know Giant Sequoia grew in the PNW (and their cousins the coast redwood), they are planted in almost every city in the region.

Here’s the link to this particular tree’s profile at

#tacoma #seattle #washington #trees #nature #sequoia #pnw

    29 days ago

    Giant sequioas are native to California. The fact that you are apparently offended that the largest giant sequioas are in the United States is quite bizarre and telling of your prejudiced attitude towards Americans. Maybe instead of blaming American culture for scientific facts, you should try doing some of your own research so you sound less ignorant and xenophobic.

    Any giant sequioa that exists outside of America is almost certainly less than 200 years old, and thus unlikely to set any size records. The sequioa was first introduced to the UK in 1853. Additionally, it would stand to reason that sequioas would grow best in their native climates or similar conditions. This is why sequioas in the UK cannot naturally reproduce.

    And yes, they actually can go out and check trees located in other countries, and I’m not sure what makes you think otherwise 😅

      28 days ago

      If it’s native to California, what’s one doing Washington? It’s obviously not in its native climate, it’s gotta be younger as well, probably around the same age as the UK. Even a slight google says it’s quite large in diameter in comparison to its height…… So this one is a freak.

      American culture for scientific facts,

      lol it’s a fucking memorial site, the part where you think these are actual scientific facts is hilarious, do you see who and how they measured them? The information is right there on the website dude….

      Your own flawed logic to defend this tree is also the exact same logic to debunk it. Both trees aren’t in their native soil, native area, nor native climate. So why would we assume the Washington ones are better? Do you see a trend from you here yet…?

      you should try doing some of your own research so you sound less ignorant and xenophobic.

      I did do my own research hence me calling out this bullshit and you being an absolute dick to someone asking a simple question that’s actually not obvious. Only Americans who think they are the center of the world assumes shit like this. Hence why it’s being questions you mook. The stuff is user submitted to the site, it’s not scientific facts… give your head a shake you egotistical troll.

      Edit, also your original comment is totally incorrect to……

      In comparison, General Sherman has a girth of 102.6 ft, and there are many more sequioas in California of comparable size and even greater circumference.

      If you did any research…. Funny you call someone out for it and don’t do it yourself… standard American… General Sherman is the LARGEST TREE, you WON’T find any larger than it, because they are non existent. And to claim otherwise just shows how foolish you are and again, typical American really.

      Fucking mook. Your own link that you didn’t read even states this. You’re an interesting one…. But I guess not reading your own sources is pretty standard.