Oh, it’s out already? I thought we would have to wait for another year or 2 for it.
I’m liking this 3 episode release cycle. Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man did the same.
I hate it. Imma have to travel for work for about a month right before the last episode it slated to be released. Wife and I agreed we can’t watch it unless We’re together, so guess were not gonna see it for a hot minute :,(
Things will escalate very quickly.
Season 2…mark is just naive… season 3 mark is a hypocrite psycho.
Season 4… strangely enough, back to naive
Lol I’ve not read the comic but if this is true I’d die laughing
Man, I’ve been out of touch, I didn’t even realize Season 2 came out. I need to get caught up!
Enjoy! Season 2 was fun
There is also this prequel for one of the characters, which I didn’t know about until recently
Oh nice I only watched one episode, didn’t realize there were three.