And is it even possible to develop an appreciable singing voice?


I already play guitar, bass, and drums. I just want to learn to sing so I can write and perform my own songs. I have a lot to get out of my system 😋

  • 🇰 🌀 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 ℹ️
    1 year ago

    Every choir teacher I’ve had, every musician I’ve seen talk about this subject, and I do myself believe anyone has the capacity to sing well. It is a skill, and it can be developed.

    Seek vocal lessons. You can even find some on YouTube for various styles. How to croon, how to demon yell, even throat singing!

    And to be perfectly honest: Some of my favorite singers are those who have been wildly criticized for their “bad” voice. It was pretty much a staple of my favorite genre: grunge.