Be kind to yourself You Will make mistakes,and that’s okay treat yourself with the same kindness and compassion you’d offer a friend
The world is waaay dummer and less fair than you think so don’t stress about things too much cause it’s rigged anyway.
Having said that, persistence does eventually get you there
You have autism. That’s why you’re so different to everybody else.
Girls want to date / fuck just as much as you do… So be cool, just chill… Work on your self, be the best version of you that you can be… Work on your communication, be upfront honest and forthcoming.
You’ll be fine.
“Don’t marry that girl.”
Felt this in my wallet
Ok, so when you’re 24 you’re gonna meet someone abso-fucking-lutely awesome, do not fucking say you’d rather work on your music over dating her you god damn fucking dumb piece of shit or I’ll come back and beat the shit out of you.
Doing well in school doesn’t mean you don’t have ADHD
“Call CPS”
Fucking go to threapy, you idiot.
You’re bipolar, you just hide it well.
Get your meds sorted before college or you’re gonna wind up dropping out.
Also, its a seizure disorder, it just doesn’t present typically; and its medication resistant. Keep trying. That alone is gonna set you back about 10 years.
Stop looking for love and learn to love yourself. You are at your best when you are alone and not torn between introversion and tending to a relationship. It’s one or the other and you always default to the former. Always has been.
When you run away, never look back. Don’t visit, don’t call, don’t keep numbers, don’t give out your number. Just disappear and start a fresh new life. Find someone that you admire and start figuring out how to be like them.
Invest in Google. Buy an island. Install automated turrets. Don’t worry about saving for retirement, cause it won’t matter when society collapses.
You know how you think George W. Bush is the worst president we’ve ever had or ever will have? Well in 2017 you’re going to wish he was in office. Also, go to school in a foreign country so you can be a permanent resident there.
“You’re doing all this for nothing” and then I’d just leave/vanish/whatever without any actual useful advice because I myself still don’t fucking know
Take that money you were saving for university and buy Apple stock. Still move to the university town and hang out on campus, but skip the tuition fees and going to class; spend the time while others are in class working for a few years and putting more money into Apple stock.
Cash out some of that money a few years later and use it for a cheap bachelor’s degree; leverage that to get into the field you want to be in.
Then later, cash out some more to buy property… say, around 2008. But keep feeding more money in.
Moral of the story: do insider trading, no more worries!