
The video shows how alternatives may not be real solutions for many of those in need. I see it as an example of how we shouldn’t theorize solutions based only in our limited point of view or accept blindly that those in power did their due diligence and are not just in it for optics.

    1 year ago

    Single-use plastic bags are banned in India but thicker plastic bags that could be seen as “reusable” are not. Now all the high-end stores give out thick plastic bags instead! Do they get reused? Maybe but they definitely still get thrown away the same.

    Just banning things without having first worked on providing an alternative isn’t going to help anyone, the manufacturing equipment and personnel are still there, they’ll just come up with something else that is similar.

    I think we should, at the very least, encourage businesses to require customers to request single-use plastic items other than the containers themselves. It would also be cool if more places let you bring in your own containers as well.

    What I really like is when stores offer their opened cardboard boxes to customers instead of bags. We don’t always need single-use plastics for convenience/accessibility, I’ve been able to cut out a lot of my waste just by being mindful of what I do/don’t need to use instead of grabbing the first convenient-but-wasteful-overkill thing I see.