I tried to go to the Phillips website then I went into the eye comfort section and clicked on shop all eye, comfort bulbs, and it saysI’m sorry there’s nothing available which I know is BS. The website is broken.

And I don’t even care if it’s Phillips or a different brand I need something that runs in the 3000 K range. I’d love 3500 but I don’t think I can get that. With flicker free ( and I have just spent the last 4 1/2 hours looking Online and I can’t come up with anything so does anybody have any ideas of what I can buy and please offer a link to a product.

I am now currently using the last of my incandescent bulbs. If one of them burns out I am out of luck my room will be dark.

Normal lightbulb. A19 type

Or am I just searching for something that literally doesn’t exist?

  • adarza@lemmy.ca
    3 months ago

    of course they wanna charge you. they’ve been purposefully fucking with incandescent light bulb lifetimes for a hundred years as a means to increase profits.

    they can’t do that anymore, so they need another racket to get you to keep coming back and giving them money…

    and they found it.

    just like every other greedy bastard corporation—subscriptions.

    at least they aren’t gimping the led units to some arbitrary lifespan, but you know damn well they’re using the cheapest shortest-lasting sub-components and cheapest manufacturing they can find.