We’ve known for years that the owner is a lying, creepy, out of touch dipshit and that it’s a very flawed car and the company will cut costs to save money on safety items, every time.

Electric vehicles with drive assist are awesome and are the future, but there are alternatives, especially if you have money, which a lot of Tesla customers do. And they’re not particularly well built; how many of these do you think will be on the road 20 years from now? And now we’ve seen how Elaine runs their companies, why the hell would anybody put their trust in their products?

If you’ve bought a Tesla in the last five or so years, you’re a damn goober in my eyes. That’s my hot take, prepared for being called poor and other sodium, tear filled comments from fools whose opinions don’t matter. You are the hardcore, foaming at the mouth Segway fan from the 2000s, have at me lol.

Update: The teary eyed, sweaty fingered responses to this are predictably hilarious. I’ve been called a guy that eats 4 pizzas a week in another old thread because of this, a cunt, a tool, a douche, a couple people spent their energy to tell me they don’t understand me spending my energy posting this, some people are telling me something about Tesla or Elaine living in my head rent free. All genuinely pathetic responses, so GG lol. Cheers.

  • WoahWoah@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Why do you consider them to be unreliable? I ask because I’ve heard that complaint before, but I can’t find any data that backs up their unreliability.

    My wife has had a Model 3 for almost four years now, she drives for work (and pleasure) and is at 112K miles, and she hasn’t even needed to change the brakes. She’s had the air filters replaced once a couple years ago, and that’s it. Other than tire rotation/change, it’s just been… a car. We don’t even think about it, but I know that’s just one case, so I’m always interested to read more.

    I know they’re not going to be the predominant EV going forward, so if there’s data on reliability, I would be interested. I’m just less inclined to buy an EV from a company that hasn’t been making them as long, but I’m open to changing my opinion for sure.

    • R00bot@lemmy.blahaj.zone
      1 year ago


      First result searching for “Tesla reliability”. They’re ranked 27th out of 28 automakers by Consumer Reports with an average of 171 mechanical issues per 100 vehicles, many of these issues being impossible to repair without going through Tesla themselves (though this is becoming more common amongst automakers, it’s still bad lol).

      I’m glad your wife’s Tesla has been reliable though. Electric cars by design have the opportunity to be far more reliable due to fewer moving parts and regenerative braking, but unfortunately Tesla are not really living up to that potential.

      • WoahWoah@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        Hey, thanks. You know how it is: the experience you see drives the the thoughts you have about it. I had looked up reliability with Teslas before, and read they were basically as reliable as most domestic brands, and they were given lower points for things I didn’t care about–I don’t consider interior fit and finish to be an important quality for a reliable car, for instance.

        It’s true that she’s always had to take it to Tesla, though for her last tire change the local shop was willing to do it. That hyper-privatized car maintenance things cuts both ways. I’ll say until about two years ago, she could literally request a tire change (or flat repair) on her car and they would literally drive out and do mobile service on her car, but they stopped doing that like a year ago–still technically “offered” in the app, but now it just says “come until the shop.” Which is generally fine.

        I like to drive my cars until they’re just basically dust. I treat cars like underwear.😁 So I’m still just riding down my corolla, but when I’m sitting there thinking about the brake pad replacements, oil changes, engine problems, catalytic converter, and the price of gas, I do get a little thirsty for my wife’s little 3. When I can take a pleasure cruise and she’s watching the kids, I almost always take her car.

        There’s a lot to be said for full EVs, and I understand that she might just have gotten lucky with a good one or whatever, but it’s fun as hell to drive. I geek out on the instant acceleration even after all these years. It helps that I have such a slug to compare it to. It’s been a really great car for us, but I will say the interior is shoddy. The housing by the door panels falls off, things like that, but the actual car itself has just been really steady for us.

        Did I mention she gets to park at the front of the grocery store and get free charging? And that she goes to “the gas station” which is our garage? It’s pretty cool, but those aren’t Tesla exclusive features. EVs are just really cool.

        I’ll look more into the reliability issues with Tesla before I make a purchase. Thanks for sharing your knowledge.

        • R00bot@lemmy.blahaj.zone
          1 year ago

          Your experiences are valid and I’m not trying to invalidate them, but I do think a lot of the positives you’re talking about come from it just being an electric car, rather than it being a Tesla specifically.

          If you are on the market in a few years or so I’d definitely recommend checking out what other brands have to offer, as they’ve finally caught up to Tesla and even surpassed them in some ways.

          I’m sure you would have researched all the options anyway though, as you seem like a smart guy.