• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023

  • Well, I funnily enough also agree with you, having just one widely used browser engine for all platforms sounds great in theory… (Until someone decides to not let you block advertisement anymore…;-))

    Docker is one of the reasons I use Linux and for all practical purposes nearly all open source software is developed for Linux and later ported to the BSDs (if one is lucky) - so, again, I am also using Linux because it runs what I need to run.

    I simply would love to have some practical and relevant options for OSS operating systems. I fully understand that this is not going to happen and Linux won.

    Anyway, have a good day!

  • According to your logic we should all use Google Chrome. ;-)

    Comparing Linux with the BSDs is really apples and oranges. The BSDs have a very nicely integrated base system, everything just works™ and everything works together. When you only ever used Linux or Apple with homebrew, you never experienced a system where all basic tools really fit and work together.

    Linux is a pragmatic choice, but it is an Unix-clone made by PC people. The BSDs are a Unix operating system for PCs made by Unix people. We loose something very important if the BSDs get totally out of style/forgotten.

  • Ah, the usual propaganda from the fucking content mafia and the lobbyists they bought:

    “The takedown of Fmovies is a testament to the power of collaboration in protecting the intellectual property rights of creators around the world,” Knapp says.

    “Strengthening intellectual property rights is an important element of the U.S.-Vietnam Comprehensive Partnership,” Knapper said

    I’ll happily repeat again and again and again:

    • If pirate sites offer a better user experience than your paid offerings, you don’t deserve payments at all
    • The money goes mostly to some rich fucks, fucking shareholders, lawyers and bought politicians and and not to the artists/creators of the movies (with some exceptions for the really big names)
    • I will very happily pay a service which is not shitty, not region locked, doesn’t annoy me with advertisement and is reasonably priced. The illegal sites are demonstrating that it is possible to sustain such an offer on advertisement alone. Don’t give me fucking bullshit that it is not possible for companies like Netflix while most of the subscription fees are going to shareholders and higher management instead into creating new content

    Seriously, fuck all the politicians and governments which act against the benefit of most of their population to conspire with the content mafia.