Not challenging just clarifying; Is your speculation extending to suggest that the larger demographic of porn consumers online are adolescents? Or more that the “step-*” joining the family set a longer term influence? (Or something else entirely…?)
Not challenging just clarifying; Is your speculation extending to suggest that the larger demographic of porn consumers online are adolescents? Or more that the “step-*” joining the family set a longer term influence? (Or something else entirely…?)
I appreciate your work. (sincerely)
I have an extension on this, in that a triple tap on the switch by the doors, will also lock the doors after 60 seconds.
I use Blocky. I switched from PiHole because I didn’t have need for all the features (DHCP, Dashboard) and honestly it was a slow day and I had nothing better to do.
Googling everything gets boring though. I learned something today from your question :)
For daily, it’s $400 USD/month for me for with my insurance at the moment. Not trying to minimize your position, but offering another anecdote how wildly screwed pricing/insurance is. I just hope my insurance accepts the generic 🤞
But that first purge feels so healthy though!