Ha! I know exactly what you mean! That urge to find the info even when you don’t really care about the subject. Sucks you in. And then you have some great useless info. :) Well, it’s much appreciated and you definitely get the solve credit! 👊🏻
Ha! I know exactly what you mean! That urge to find the info even when you don’t really care about the subject. Sucks you in. And then you have some great useless info. :) Well, it’s much appreciated and you definitely get the solve credit! 👊🏻
Wow!!! You’re a legend!! 🙏🏻 Thank you! I can’t believe you found it. Fascinating!! You gotta tell me, how long did it take you to find this? I spent maybe 20 and gave up. Lol! You are very impressive! You have my gratitude!
Haha! Sounds like me!
Good guess. I could definitely see it being used as a display piece.
Spoiled kitty. 🐱
🤣 Excellent idea!
Good insight! Now I want pistachios! :)
I use 2FAS because Aegis isn’t available for iOS. :) It’s more maintained than Tofu and is more feature rich. My main gripe is the backup format. It’s unnecessarily complicated. Not a deal breaker, but close.
Closed Network Privacy Podcast
Great podcast and an accompanying great Matrix room(s).
Isn’t the Pine64 product called the PineBuds? The case is nicked the Pinepod, but that’s not really the same.
To add to this, “Kvaesitso is available in the official F-Droid repository, but all features depending on non-foss external APIs were removed.” This is preferable to a lot of people.
Robosats used to have gift cards as an option. Not sure anymore. It’s been awhile.