Interested in getting a feel for what people may be likely to do IF reddit reverses their decision regarding API access, or reduces access fees to a reasonable level and 3rd party apps remain sustainable.

While I know the chances of this are extreeeemely slim, until 1st July there is an ever so slight chance this could still happen.

From my perspective, the community harm is done, and those who have left prior to July 1 have left due to principles, not because their app stopped working. As such, I’d be inclined to think most of those migrators would stay here in the fediverse.

But would we see a mass exodus back to reddit if the changes were undone? It’s easy to say no, but if it went back to operations as relatively normal, it may be easy to justify going back for some users.

I’d like to think I wouldn’t go back. I’ve deleted content and account from reddit. I’ll be happy here so long as there is enough userbase for some discussion.

    1 year ago

    I’ll be the one to say that: if miraculously they reversed course and undid all of the projected changes by the end of the month, yeah I’d keep using Reddit. I didn’t really leave on principle. I left because I heard my preferred format for accessing the site was going away, and I started looking into alternatives.

    As long as I had RIF on mobile and Old Reddit with RES on desktop, I would have stayed there because the population is there.

    But with all that being said, Old Reddit was slowly getting buggier and more and more users were cluttering discussions with asides about features that were completely absent on Old Reddit, so I was ready for a change. And with that being the case, in the extremely likely event that the third-party apps actually die at the end of the month, I’ll see that as a welcome sign to continue giving this place a chance instead.