iphone is now a unit of measurement? ugh
Hey, they started with millimeters so any additional info is kinda passable (in my books) as a visual / imagination stimulus.
Sometimes it can be really helpful, like with the distance from Earth to Moon, almost 385 000 km — that’s yeah, a lot, this gives the facts.
…but, when I found out that all the planets from our solar system packed next to each other would fit into this gap with some space to spare — this gives the perspective.
The reviews are hilarious
🤔 which ones? From what I’m reading mac has problems (no surprise there; if it ain’t Malus, you’re SOL), some dude spilled stuff over his keyboard, another didn’t read the guide on which cables to connect and trashed his keyboard by throwing it into his backpack with cables still attached, others aren’t used to split keyboards (took me about an hour to get used to it), and so on.
Do you work for the split keyboard company?
Nope. Should I?
Is the one you linked mechanical? I wasn’t sure
Good question 🤔 Are mechanical keyboards the loud ones? Or are there keyboards that work with magnets or something as opposed to mechanically making contact with the circuit board?
I think you answered your own question, but just to be sure, they’re the loud ones
Yeah, it’s possible to have a discussion with somebody in the room while typing on the R-Go keyboard. Probably not mechanical then.