Folks I downloaded bypass paywall clean d here and am trying to set it up (on android, mull). After I had to remove the old one, yknow.
I enable the debug menu, click install extension from file but then idk what I’m doing wrong. I did extract the file but nothing seems to work?
Would appreciate any help, thanks!
My bad, just needed to download the .xpi file
On Android it’s easier to just use the version in the Firefox add-on store:
You should be able to keep using the filters just with an adblock. Add a custom filter site and you’re done.
This is the site wit filters to add:
That list doesn’t work anymore. UBO throws a network error.
There is this list, which is not the same one from BPC but has been recommended to me before.
Hmm, it seems you’re right. I have the filters, but it says they haven’t been updated for 44 days. I can send them to anyone interested to be added manually. Anyway, there is about half as many as in your link, so it’s likely mine would be redundant.
In the past FF Android did not support local XPI files.
“Bypass Paywalls Clean” got a “cease and desist” of some random press site likely. They sent that to Mozilla, Mozilla took down the addon.
But this had no consequences for them, so after a long discussion another guy just stepped up and published the Addon on AMO again.
Which now seems to have been taken down too…
There is now a different version but that is 3 months old.
Local .xpi files are a very good new feature for censorship prevention.
Edit: okay LOL that user is now blocked on Gitlab .com !
But it is continued here on Github, for now…