It is with immense sadness that we must share with you the news of the loss of our friend, our leader, and our mentor, Kris Nóva.

It was Nóva who inspired us to come together to build Hachyderm, whose vision created Nivenly, and whose mission we continue to carry forward. In her working life beyond Nivenly, she has left behind a legacy of professionalism and strength of vision, and we all miss her terribly.

This is very fresh and raw for us in the Nivenly community right now, so we ask for patience while we figure out how we move forward. But move forward we will, as we know that is what Nóva would want.


    1 year ago

    Damn! I know she was going through some rough stuff in her personal life recently. I fear it’s all connected, though I sincerely hope I’m wrong.

    I met Kris a couple of years ago at GopherCon. At the time I was very new to Go and she mentored me early on and was very friendly. She and I worked together during the GopherCon hackathon and produced the early version of a tool that ultimately became Kubicorn.

    EDIT: seems like this was a climbing accident. Truly sad to hear. But going out doing what you enjoy… could be worse I suppose.