Not too surprising given the writers and actors strikes. Still, that sucks.
That’s a bummer. It’s wasn’t a perfect show but I still enjoyed it. Better than most shows out there.
My thoughts exactly. What am I supposed to do now, read the books?
(I may, tv’s just so much easier than finding time to read, lol)
Huge bummer, I really enjoyed it. Now I want to go read the book to see how different they are.
The books are awesome - I’ll have to do the opposite and see how the show compares.
Damn, I actually really liked this show. Guess we’ll never know what the actual fuck was going on
The book is good too. By the cyberpunk author William Gibson. There’s a sequel too, called Agency, but it takes place in a different stem. But has a lot of the same people from this one.
Gibson likes to do that, see: The Sprawl trilogy that’s just 3 books that are slightly related
That is some bullshit, that was a good show
It’s set and filmed not far from me, so I am extra disappointed. Not much cyberpunk in the mountains.